The 7 Laws Of The Universe You Must Know How To Apply

The Laws Of The Universe You Must Know How To Apply

Basic Laws Of The Universe

In this article we are going to touch on the 7 Laws Of The Universe.

First, one of the laws of the universe, a basic law of life is that we either create or disintegrate.

Nothing stays where it is. We’re either getting better or worse.

Doctor Wernher Von Braun once said that, “The natural laws of this universe are so precise that we have no difficulty building spaceships and sending people to the moon and we can time the landing with a precision of a fraction of a second.”

When President John Kennedy asked Von Braun what it would take to build a rocket that would carry a man to the moon and bring him back safely to earth, he answered him in five words, “The will to do it.”

He understood that the universe operates in an orderly way.

When tide goes out it doesn’t just come back in sometimes, it always comes in.

The night is followed by the day. Winter never follows winter, seasons have an order – a rhythm to them as well.

If there’s a right, there’s a left.

The laws of the universe are how everything operates.

Since they weren’t created by man they cannot change them, man is subject to them.

There’s 7 laws of the universe that all other laws are based on.

Those 7 are really based on one law, energy. It isn’t either created or destroyed. It’s a cause and effect of itself. It is 100% evenly present in all places at the same time.

What Are the 7 Laws Of The Universe?

Here are the 7 universal laws:

1. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation

2. The Law of Relativity

3. The Law of Vibration

4. The Law of Polarity (frequently referred to as the Law of Opposites)

5. The Law of Rhythm

6. The Law of Cause and Effect

7. The Law of Gender


How Universal Laws Affect Our Lives

How The Universal Laws Affect Our Lives

These universal laws all work together, never one without another.

All affect every area of our lives.

They don’t come in any particular order, and are not listed here in any order of importance.

They are the fundamental laws of the universe.

Also sometimes know as spiritual laws of the universe or universal laws of attraction.

Voltaire said, “We invented the words luck, miracle, and chance. We invented all these words to express the known effects of unknown causes. Every effect does have a cause and of course every cause has to have an effect.”

Looking at your environment, the seasons, how plants grow when a seed is planted in the earth.

The plant grows not by chance but by law.

There’s no such thing as luck where there’s law, just effects of unknown causes.

The more you look the more you will see the cause and effect.

Your life is governed by law.

When you become more aware and consciously utilize the laws you are in effect taking control of your life.

You begin to feel less like things happen to you and more like things happen for you.

Everything that happens is the effect of a cause.

If you can change the cause, you can change the effect.

Isn’t it a good feeling to know that your life isn’t random?

It can be a little scary when you realize you’re in control too.

The more you incorporate and understand the 7 Laws Of The Universe, the more harmony you will have in your life. You’ll find everything starts to change. The money you earn, the health you enjoy, your level of energy, and your relationships. It’s only up from here!

Click here to study the next law: The Law of Perpetual Transmutation