Action Steps To Achieve Your Goals

Action Steps To Achieve Your Goals

Achieve Your Goals “The Movie”

Picture the steps to achieve your goals like a movie set.

We’ve seen it time and time again in movies and behind the scenes.

The stage is set, everyone quiets down, and the actors ready..

Everything that happens up to that point is preparation. The director calls out “Action” and that’s when everything starts to happen.

Did you know that this is true in your life? It’s true for everyone’s life.

If you don’t move into action nothing happens.

Sometimes we get stuck on doing work we consider very important but we don’t realize it’s preparatory and isn’t the work that gets results.

It’s like Bob Proctor says, “Don’t be an extra on your own set”..


Moving Into Action On Your Dreams

When you do move into action, it’s the prep work that can make a big difference, but you need to move into action.

You’ll hear people say “I’ll try and do it”. You’re either going to move in action on your ideas, or you won’t.

As Yoda said “Do or do not. There is no try”.

The trick is to simply take action and keep taking action until you get the results you want.

When we say “try”, it’s almost like we’re not going to give it everything we’ve got.

We just need to do it.

If you don’t get the result you’re looking for, try again and read up on The Law Gender. It states that everything has a gestation period.


Getting Emotionally Involved With Ideas

When we consciously think about our ideas and dreams, we get emotionally involved with them.

When this happens we internalize the idea and it moves our body into a new vibration.

This in turn moves us into action.

Action is how we see results. It’s how our lives will begin to change.


How To Accomplish Your Goals

Take the next 24 hours to make action the most important word in your mind.

  • What can I do right now to move closer to my goal?
  • How can I overcome this problem in front of me?
  • Ask yourself, am I moving into action on something that’s going to improve the quality of my life?
  • Am I moving into action on ideas that are going to serve me well?

Then write down the first things that come to mind, no matter silly you may feel or how stupid you think the idea is.

Then before bed, review these questions and write down the first things that come to mind.

They could be the same answers, it doesn’t matter!

Sometimes we get lost in day to day life. All you need to do is take a step back and ask yourself the above questions.

They’ll help you refocus on the things that will make a difference in you life.

They’ll help you see clearer.


Repetition Of A New Idea Will Bring More New Ideas

Come back and read this article everyday for a week.

Read the questions and spend time thinking about what can be done in your life.

See what new thoughts and ideas begin to enter you mind and let me know about them. I’d love to hear!

At the end of the week you’ll be wondering where the ideas have been hiding all this time.

As you go through your day let the word action keep coming to mind. Watch how the quality of your life changes.

All it takes is one idea and action to dramatically change your life.

Your cell phone, computer, TV, video games, are all expressions of ideas that someone took action on.


Promise To Take Action On Your Goals

I have a poster in my office that says “Ideas are worthless without action”.

Make a promise to yourself today that you’ll take the action steps to achieve your goals.

Make a promise to yourself today that you’ll become a person that takes action and doesn’t stop until they achieve their goal.

This is how you guarantee your success.


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