The Law Of Perpetual Transmutation

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation

The Universal Law Of Perpetual Transmutation

Everything happens by law. There’s no luck or accidents, it’s all cause and effect. It’s all based off of the 7 Laws Of The Universe.

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of energy states that energy is forever moving into form, through form and back into form.


How Andrew Carnegie Used The Law Of Perpetual Transmutation

Around 1908, Andrew Carnegie was the wealthiest man in the world and considered the first millionaire.  He gave Napoleon Hill the inspiration, direction, and mentoring to go out and spend his whole life putting together the Laws of Success which eventually lead to Think And Grow Rich.

Carnegie instilled in Hill the basis of philosophy.  He said, “Any idea that is held in the mind, that’s emphasized, that’s either feared or revered will begin at once to clothe itself in the most convenient and appropriate form available.”

Any idea  meaning any good or bad idea. Your mind has no bias towards it and accepts and grows what’s given to it.

Carnegie was, in a sense, repeating what Job (the great sufferer from the Bible) said. Job said  “Lo, the thing I fear has come to visit upon me.”

If you hold a bad idea and dwell on it, it’s going to happen. If you choose to dwell on a good idea, it’s going to happen.


How To Use The Law Of Perpetual Transmutation

You have to hold the idea in your mind, internalize and emotionalize it. When you do that you’re allowing energy to flow into your consciousness.

It flows to and through you. You use the energy to build and hold the pictures of what you want.

The more you do this, the easier it becomes to do. Once internalized, the image must move into form.

Sometimes it seems illogical to follow the idea and that’s ok.

Logic leads to you where you’ve been, that’s how you developed it. So if you’re to get somewhere new, don’t purely rely on logic. Rely on the law and understanding the law.

You’ve got to break through logic and got where no one’s ever been.

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation, clearly states that energy is forever moving into form through form and back into form.

The energy flows in and we give it an image. We internalize the image, meaning we plant it in our heart, our subconscious mind.  The early Greeks referred to the subconscious mind as the heart.

Solomon said “As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is”. That’s basically what Andrew Carnegie said as well.  The idea you hold in your mind will move into the physical form. Ask yourself, what’s moving into the physical form?

Then you’ll know what you’re truly thinking. This is how The Law of Perpetual Transmutation works.

Click Here to study the next law: The Law of Relativity